Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
At Fonez / Sellify Group we are very passionate about the planet and it’s wellbeing. The idea of purchasing a pre-owned mobile, or repairing a damaged one, not only saves you some money, it also saves the planet from more carbon emissions than you can imagine.
The manufacturing of just 1 mobile phone can produce, on average, 55kg of carbon emissions, between mining materials and manufacturing.
There have been almost 2 billion new mobile phones purchased per year in the last few years. If we can cut down this number by encouraging the purchase of pre-owned phones, it will cut down the need for the mining of these materials, as well as the manufacturing of this many new devices. (Source: The Restart Project)

Together We Can Make A Difference!
By working together, we can all reduce the impact our mobiles have on the planet we live on. By purchasing pre-owned devices or repairing broken ones, you are making a difference. If we can increase a phone’s lifespan by ⅓ we can reduce global carbon emissions by the amount emitted by a small count
Our productsWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Policy
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) is taken back free of charge on a one-for[1]one, like-for-like basis. Waste batteries including rechargeable batteries are taken back free of charge. You are not obliged to make any purchase when returning old batteries. Each local authority must also accept household WEEE and small batteries free of charge at its recycling facilities. All WEEE and waste batteries must be recycled and should not be placed in any of your household wheelie bins. Make sure you always recycle all your old electrical goods and batteries.
The WEEE Registration Number: 12199 / 18657 / 18656